NEWLIFE Dandruff Care Treatment (3 months)
NEWLIFE Dandruff Care Treatment (3 months)
NEWLIFE Dandruff Care Treatment (3 months)

NEWLIFE Dandruff Care Treatment (3 months)

₹ 9,999

The major causes of dandruff are

  1. Irritated or oily skin
  2. Shampooing
  3. Yeast like fungus or Malassezia
  4. Dry Skin
  5. Hair care products
  6. Skin disease.

So based upon the cause of the dandruff , nature of the scalp, nature of patient and the health assessment score of the individual the treatment will vary.

it is not easy to treat each and every case of dandruff using hair care products alone, it needs professional care and holistic medication to achieve the goal.

We at NewlIfe Homoeopathy clinic offers specialised customised treatment plan for dandruff which helps you to have healthy scalp and healthy hair.

Our treatment is for 3 months. The cost is inclusive of medicine charges.

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